Category Archives: … for myself

Lingerie Case “Planes”…

… I call it, referring to the sewing pattern’s original name, though I’m not sure I own anything that would classify as “lingerie” proper.

Still, I made this one for the same trip that required Washbag Dotty, and I am quite happy how this turned out, although I would change one little thing the next time I work after this pattern. I’m sorry about the picture quality – I see now that something has nibbled on my jpgs, though I have no idea how that happened. I think the relevant features are still discernible, though, but I’ll try and see if I have undamaged versions of the pictures somewhere.

This is pretty straightforward, as you can see above. Just two rectangles and two pockets. For the big pocket you only need to process the upper edge, since it’s running across the entire width of the case. The small pocket needs to be prepared all the way round, then is stitched onto the lining (last picture).

Add some buttons next to the small pocket. Stitch the big pocket onto the lining. Make sure the pocket openings face away from each other, and that the bottom of the big pocket is at roughly the middle of the entire piece.

Before you add the outer fabric now (right sides together) to the interior, place the two parts of the magnetic clasp, then stitch all around, leaving only a small opening for turning. Close the small gap with invisible stitches. Iron. And that’s it.

Only suggestion for improval would be including two different positions for the one part of the clasp, so that you can close more or less tightly. Possibly it would be even better to just sew on two nice buttons and close this with a tie, really…

Anyway, the Lingerie Case worked fine, and I love the Kokka plane fabric I finally got to use here.

Washbag ‘Dotty’

Aside from the fact that this goes to show how bad I am at naming things, I quite like my first little washbag. It was just a quick something I sewed because I actually needed it for travelling, and fast. So I sat down with Pattydoo’s Vicky pattern (to be found here, also with a – German – video tutorial if needed!) and finished this within an hour or maybe one and a half.

In case you wonder why my bag looks a bit… disproportionate, that’s because I got too little of the wax cloth and decided I’d rather have a too short bag than assembling the full-size pieces and get seams where none should be…

So far, the bag holds all my bathroom necessities nicely, though it IS just that bit too small to store them without an effort 😉

My new ‘Sherlock’ pencil case

And in case you wonder why I tagged this “Sherlock” and some other weird things… you have not found the hidden message of this (pencil) case yet. Alas: There’s an error in it – I noticed only today…

It’s machine pieced and quilted. Still, it was quite a bit of work to put the tiny parts together. I stenciled the seahorses using simple cardboard and textile paint for dark fabrics.